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                US FBA Return cargo and sticker exchange

                Amazon sellers generally find it difficult to avoid account closure, product failure, customer returns, etc. for various reasons. This is a problem that every e-commerce may encounter. Lanshingbo provides Amazon services in the United States, such as receiving returns, changing standards, repacking, and shipping on behalf of Amazon, so that your products can regain value again and avoid goods loss.

                National Service Hotline:


                What does Amazon FBA mean by returning goods and changing labels?

                Amazon sellers generally find it difficult to avoid account closure, product failure, customer returns, etc. for various reasons. This is a problem that every e-commerce may encounter. Lanshingbo accepts goods return and exchange, bid exchange, repacking, and shipping Amazon services in the United States, so that your products can regain value again and avoid goods loss.

                Bluestar overseas warehouse in the United States receives return, exchange and standard exchange services. After several years of communication with e-commerce customers, it is found that almost all sellers have goods overstocked in Amazon warehouse and cannot be sold from time to time.

                What are the main reasons for this phenomenon:

                1. The package of the commodity is damaged during transportation, and it cannot be registered as a new product.

                2. Listing audit is unqualified or invalid.

                3. The defendant infringed the commodity and the account number was sealed.

                In fact, 95% of these unsalable commodities can be resold after treatment because:

                1. The goods with damaged packaging are not damaged.

                2. The buyer may return the goods only because of his preference for external packaging.

                3. Listing can be solved by creating new or selling the same products.

                4. If one account is down and the goods are still there, you can change your coat and send them to another account.

                What does Amazon FBA need to do to return and replace the bid?

                The first: when the buyer has received the goods:

                1. For the return problems caused by FBA orders, the goods will be returned to FBA warehouse and FBA will handle them. It is recommended that the seller contact FBA to take the goods back to the warehouse, and refund the money after the buyer returns the goods.

                2. If the returned goods are not damaged, you can contact Amazon to re label them for resale. If they are damaged, Amazon will prompt you that the product is no longer available for resale. You can ask Amazon to destroy them, or ask a third-party overseas warehouse company to ship them back to China, or ask a third-party overseas warehouse company that can provide repair and return services to help handle them.

                Second: when the buyer has not received the goods:

                1. If your goods are not officially sent out by the forwarder, you can cut them back if you can and give them to the buyer for a full refund.

                2. If the goods have been delivered but cannot be returned, it is recommended that you negotiate with the buyer to say that the goods have been delivered. After the buyer receives the goods, he will see whether he likes them before deciding whether to reject them.

                3. If the buyer still doesn't agree and needs to deal with it now, he can negotiate with the buyer on his own product cost to refund only part of the money, and the goods will be given to the buyer for free, so as to reduce losses.

