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                US FBA Sea+Truck Delivery

                American Haipai is one of the most commonly used modes of transportation for the first journey from China to the United States FBA. The first journey is transported by sea. After customs clearance and unpacking at the U.S. port, the last journey is delivered by express (fedex/ups). Shanghai style is generally tax inclusive. There is no need to make an appointment to enter the FBA warehouse. The time limit is fast. Generally, the price is quoted by kg, which is a little expensive, but much cheaper than air freight and express delivery.

                National Service Hotline:


                1. master the key nodes of Haipai and Haika:

                For example, the time of loading, the number of containers after loading, the name of the ship and the voyage, whether the ship has sailed on time, the estimated time of arrival, and whether the Customs has released it in time; What is the unloading status, the progress of container lifting and unpacking in the U.S. warehouse, whether it has been delivered to the express company / truck for delivery, and whether it has been successfully picked up; When the receipt will be given to you after it is delivered to Amazon warehouse, you can discuss with the logistics provider in advance and ask their customer service to give feedback on these key links. Generally, regular logistics service providers provide information about relevant nodes in time.

                2. select high-quality logistics providers, and don't just believe in "verbal promises":

                When choosing a logistics provider, don't be confused by the promises of the other party, because the competition in the logistics industry is also very fierce. Some logistics providers will give some "excessive promises" to the sellers in order to win more business, and promise with a pat on the chest, but in fact, many things are not under their control. Therefore, sellers should keep in mind that logistics that promises to do well is not more reliable and powerful. You need to examine the popularity, comprehensive strength and service level of logistics providers.

                3. timely feedback is very important. Honesty = responsibility

                What kind of logistics provider is really responsible? In case of any situation in the logistics link, the logistics provider that actively communicates with the seller and gives timely feedback is a better logistics provider, because the seller can take some remedial measures after knowing the problem in advance; On the contrary, some logistics providers are afraid that the seller will affect the cooperation relationship after knowing the logistics problems, so they hide the problems. In fact, this behavior will cause greater losses to the seller, leading to the seller becoming more and more passive.

                Prepare goods reasonably in combination with various logistics modes: make a correct assessment on the advantages and disadvantages of Haipai and Haika. It is an objective fact that Haipai and Haika are cheap and low-cost, but their timeliness is unstable. Therefore, the seller should make a reasonable distribution arrangement in combination with express, air express, Haipai, Haika and other logistics modes, and adjust the distribution proportion according to the actual situation.

                4. safe time limit:

                Establish a safe time effective boundary. For example, the logistics provider told you that Haipai would arrive in 15 days. After 15 days, 3 weeks are reserved for green safety areas; Reserve a normal area that can be summarized as yellow for 2 weeks; If only one week is reserved, the risk coefficient is relatively high.

                5. product selection prevention:

                Special attention should be paid to the selection of products, because it has a great impact on customs clearance, and good selection of products can help sellers control risks from the source. For example, brands need brand authorization, Bluetooth products need authorization, some need FDA certification, etc., so it is necessary to obtain relevant certificates first; If the seller does not want to do certification, it is suggested to do some other general goods, so that there is no risk of "sensitive products".


