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                Shenzhen Bluestar Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd., referred to as Bluestar for short, was established in Pengcheng Shenzhen in 2011. The company has accumulated more than 10 years of experience in the international logistics industry. Bluestar is a cross-border transportation service company specializing in U.S. FBA Express - creating value chain collaboration and integrating U.S. overseas warehouses. We are committed to building the most mature cross-border logistics system at home and abroad. It provides a variety of prices and channels for reference according to the needs of customers' goods, and provides you with cross-border e-commerce one-stop logistics planning solutions and personalized logistics informatization solutions. It can not only ensure the demand for safe and efficient cargo channels, but also enjoy affordable and considerate services. From the order, to the booking and arrangement of shipping space, to the warehousing and shipment, to the final customs clearance procedures and the appointment of delivery time, the whole process is linked with each other and delivered to Amazon warehouse efficiently. Integrity based, win-win cooperation, and become the leading brand of cross-border logistics!

                order logistics


