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                US UPS

                UPS (United Parcel Service, Inc.) was founded in 1907 and headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia, USA. It is a leading logistics enterprise in the world. It provides a variety of solutions aimed at improving global business management efficiency, such as parcel and cargo transportation, international trade facilitation, advanced technology deployment, etc. UPS business outlets are located in more than 220 countries and regions around the world.

                National Service Hotline:


                UPS is the world's largest express company, headquartered in sandy springs, Georgia, USA. In addition to providing express service, it also provides professional packaging service and pack & ship guarantee to package and send money back guarantee. You can rest assured that you can pack the things you want to send to them. In addition, most UPS stores also provide notarial services.

                UPS provides the fastest one-day express service in the United States called UPS Express critical. It also has cheaper UPS next day air, 2nd day air, 3 day select, ground and other services, which can ensure delivery within 1-5 working days. It can also choose different prices according to the required delivery time (such as 8am, 10:30am, 3pm, etc.).

                UPS also has a domestic delivery service called surepost, which cooperates with USPS. UPS ground sends the package to the recipient's city, and then sends it to the local post office to take over the final delivery. Therefore, it can also be sent to an address such as PO box.


