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                US Oversea Warehouse

                For cross-border e-commerce sellers, logistics is a barrier that has to be broken to obtain higher profits. "Overseas warehouse" came into being in such a market demand. Bluestar Bomei has 21 overseas warehouses, with a maximum of 30000 square meters and a minimum of 8000 square meters. It is equipped with different logistics channels. The designated warehouses are arranged according to the product attributes and customers' requirements for timeliness. Kapai shall be delivered within 72 hours, and Amazon shall be delivered within 48 hours after returning goods and changing standards.

                National Service Hotline:


                Advantages of overseas warehouse:

                The advantages of the overseas warehouse come from the speed of delivery and the customer experience. For example, it takes about 15 days for a package to be sent from China, but only 3-7 days for a package to be sent from the overseas warehouse. At the same time, from the logistics tracking information, it occurs locally, not in China. Moreover, the overall price of the overseas warehouse still has advantages, which is equivalent to the price of small bags and 20-50% cheaper than express delivery.

                Using the overseas warehouse, firstly, it can reduce the logistics cost. In addition, as the delivery speed is accelerated, the seller can increase the product price and increase the gross profit. A seller who has cooperated with "export e" for three years has increased the gross profit of each product by RMB 20-30 after using the overseas warehouse.

                Another very important advantage of using overseas warehouses is to expand product categories. Cross border e-commerce sellers sell very small things. For example, 3C products in Shenzhen have a low price, low gross profit and fierce market competition. They are already a red sea. In such a sketch market, domestic sellers have no pricing power, and they get together to start. They work hard and make little profit.

                Therefore, domestic cross-border e-commerce sellers should divert their attention. With overseas warehouses, the seller's product categories can be expanded indefinitely. Some products have a long service life and are not FMCG products. However, the market demand is large and the scale is formed. It is also possible to sell them in overseas warehouses. Now, foreign trade factories also do business through cross-border e-commerce and overseas warehouses. After cutting down multi-layer intermediaries, the profit margin is good.

                For the seller, the benefits of overseas warehouse are obvious:

                1. increase the exposure rate: change the location of the item, easily become an overseas seller, and increase the product exposure rate.

                2. increase the selling price: improve the pricing level of sales items to achieve competitive local sales.

                3. logistics timeliness: effectively reduce order response time and improve logistics distribution timeliness.

                4. scale effect: goods are transported overseas in batches, effectively reducing logistics costs.

                5. value added services: rapid return and replacement processing to improve customer satisfaction.


