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                COSCO seax route

                Seax is a mid ocean Express service from South China to the west coast of the United States. What does COSCO mean by the express? Fixed delivery express ships are similar to the "VIP service" of shipping companies. The containers on these routes will be stacked in specific areas to ensure that they will not be dumped, that they can be loaded and unloaded first, and that they will be given priority to provide supports. There is also a 24-hour appointment free container delivery service. There is no need to worry about the containers entering the closed area (you will also introduce what the closed area is later). There is no need to worry about the detention fee. The overall time limit is 5-7 days faster than that of ordinary ships. The counter and position are protected. Yantian has a 30 day time limit and 688 e-commerce positions.

                National Service Hotline:


                The COSCO seax route is attached to the WBCT (West Basin container terminal) Wharf in Los Angeles. The wharf is divided into two areas, one is COSCO (COSCO seax route ships are attached to the area), and the other is YML (Star route ships are attached to the area).

                The COSCO sea route is attached to the LBCT (Long Beach container terminal) Wharf at the destination port, which is the wharf with the highest degree of automation in the west American port. Under the situation that the labor force in the west American port is tight due to the epidemic, the fully automated facilities at the wharf will greatly improve the efficiency of ship unloading and cargo movement. Traditional container terminals can only handle 6000-8000teu per acre, while LBCT can handle 12000-15000teu per acre.



