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                How independent station sellers choose us overseas warehouse

                2022-08-11 10:25:02 admin 8

                An independent station is a form different from a third-party platform. In simple terms, an independent station is a shopping website with an independent domain name, not a store placed on a third-party platform. For independent station sellers in the United States, because they have their own domain names, their own servers, their own websites and even payment platforms, they do not need to worry about the restrictions of third-party platforms, which will affect their own marketing.


                The independent station reduces the transaction commission cost, reduces the transaction commission or annual fee paid to the third-party platform, and the service fee at the payment end is relatively low. Moreover, due to the fierce competition among third-party platforms, the rich and serious homogeneity of similar products, it is easy to have a price war, resulting in the products being unable to make profits. The independent station does not have to consider so much in product pricing because there is no price comparison with other similar products.

                However, independent stations can not enjoy various activities of the third-party platform. For example, independent stations need their own promotion and drainage, and need to operate themselves from beginning to end. At the initial stage of the independent station, there is no traffic, and the seller needs to drain the website through SEO optimization, off-site promotion, soft text marketing, etc. The third-party platform will help the seller promote through this advertisement and activity. The third-party platform provides end-to-end delivery and after-sales service to the seller, while the independent station seller needs to handle the purchase, first-hand logistics, end-to-end delivery and after-sales.

                Many independent station sellers choose to deliver goods from domestic to American customers. The advantage of this self delivery mode is that the seller does not need to prepare goods in large quantities and there is no risk of product backlog. But this model is suitable for small commodities, not for large commodities or big sales. Powerful sellers will generally build their own warehouses in the United States, but most sellers will choose a third party to cooperate with overseas warehouses in the United States. The one-piece delivery of blue star Bo's overseas warehouse in the United States is not affected by the epidemic and the logistics in the peak season, and the timeliness performance is greatly improved. Moreover, the after-sales service is more convenient, which can enhance the goodwill of the buyer and improve the competitiveness of the independent station.

                Nowadays, the overseas warehouse in the United States is very hot, and there are many service providers in Shanghai. Many sellers have encountered problems such as concealing extra charges, poor service, and frequent errors, which not only lead to higher costs for sellers, but also delay the delivery time of the end. This is especially important for independent station sellers. Because unlike the platform seller, the platform has end delivery, the independent station seller is responsible for the whole transportation. Many independent stations make their own brands. If the follow-up service is not good, it is easy to affect their own brand image. How to choose a reliable American overseas warehouse?


                The first is the reference price. Many independent station sellers tend to have lower prices when choosing us overseas warehouses. Although the seller's idea is good and needs to save costs, the price is the service. If the quotation of the service provider is lower than the average price of the industry, the seller should choose carefully, and it is likely to tread on the pit. For example, the quotation of the service provider may be ambiguous, and various additional charges will follow after the subsequent goods arrive in the warehouse; Or various problems such as poor follow-up service, difficult communication and untimely operation will occur.

                Then we will look at the scale of overseas warehouses in the United States. Many overseas warehouses are privately operated, and some are family workshops. The goods are stored in the basement or warehouse of private houses. There are no monitoring facilities and there are certain safety risks. They may be operated by the couple or other family members, and it is easy to delay the delivery of goods. Of course, it is not that small-scale overseas warehouses are unreliable. Some small-scale overseas warehouses may operate more quickly. However, the security of overseas warehouses with a certain scale is relatively higher. After all, large-scale overseas warehouses are a symbol of strength. The larger the company, the more attention will be paid to public praise, and it is easier to get high-quality accounts at the end, which can help the seller save the delivery costs at the end.


                After that, we need to see whether the overseas warehouse has a professional information management system. With a complete overseas warehouse information management system, sellers can more easily import shop orders and track the track of goods. Because there is a time difference between China and the United States, after having the system, the seller does not need to worry about the problem that the orders cannot be operated in time when the domestic working hours are off in the United States. As long as the seller uploads the information to the system according to the platform order, the overseas warehouse staff will directly handle the shipment according to the order after work.

                Finally, we need to see the service capacity of overseas warehouses, mainly in terms of cargo handling efficiency and after-sales. The service ability of overseas warehouses can be seen from whether the goods are put on the shelf, the operation in the warehouse and the delivery of goods are fast and free of errors to the timely feedback of information. In terms of after-sales, it directly affects the buyer's experience. High quality after-sales service can leave a very good experience for the buyer and help the seller to improve the brand influence in disguise.
