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                Us overseas warehouse product maintenance service

                2022-07-28 17:52:06 admin 8

                In foreign trade, product quality is very important. There are problems in product quality, which will affect customers' repurchase; Second, it is also troublesome to deal with after-sales services, which also brings some losses invisibly. The seller of American station is paying attention!!! Don't discard the returned products easily. Give them to us for testing and refurbishment, and sell them on the shelves again to maximize profits.

                What is overseas warehouse inspection and maintenance?

                Maintenance and inspection services are for products returned to overseas warehouses. For example, if your FBA product is returned by the buyer and Amazon will not be put on the shelves again, you should first return it to the overseas warehouse to check whether the product is damaged, and then report the product to the seller to decide whether to repair it. 

                Product inspection of overseas warehouse is one of the necessary tools for the seller to revitalize FBA inventory and pressurize. In order to realize the secondary sales of returned products, it is necessary to carry out product inspection and re put on the shelves after confirmation.

                Advantages of overseas warehouse product maintenance management function:

                Amazon cross-border e-commerce sellers will encounter returns from buyers, most of which are intact, if damaged. For example, we can deal with the cargo problems arising from the normal operation of power on inspection and the lack of installation of parts.

                By using the overseas repair warehouse, sellers can realize the overseas repair and inspection of cross-border e-commerce goods, and reduce the comprehensive cost of cross-border e-commerce supply chain management. Fast maintenance speed and high precision, helping the seller minimize the damage caused by return; The goods after maintenance and inspection can be resold through one-piece consignment and overseas warehouse transfer business, realizing seamless connection and zero delay throughout the process.

                Application of Bluestar overseas warehouse system in product maintenance:

                If the seller damages the product, it is expensive to send it back to China for repair. Among them, the overseas warehouse plays an important role in maintenance management, and the overseas warehouse system cooperates with the refined management of warehousing records, storage cycles, rent bills, replacement of labels, marking and other operations.

                At present, the services provided by foreign warehouses are relatively comprehensive, which can better help the seller's friends solve some after-sales problems. The overseas warehouse enterprises provide inspection and maintenance services, and the sellers feel that the warehousing and delivery of goods are guaranteed, so they will naturally be preferred.
