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                Details of Amazon's requirements for CPC certification label

                2022-06-24 09:43:12 admin 6

                According to CPSC guidelines, children's products must include:

                1. traceability label: all children's commodities must have legible permanent signs (also known as "tracking label", "tracking label" and "tracking label"), which are pasted on commodities and commodity packages, with legible fonts, and must provide some identification information.

                2. warning label: for toys or games for children aged three to six, warning labels or warning labels shall be provided. A warning statement warns potential buyers of potential dangers.

                3. importers, manufacturers and self owned brands of durable baby or toddler products, such as baby strollers, bath chairs, cradles, cribs, high chairs, etc., must attach product marks and product registration cards in addition to meeting the basic traceability label requirements.

                CPSC does not require tracking information to be pasted on general merchandise or non children's merchandise. Recently, many Amazon sellers reported that their children's goods were taken off the shelves due to the problem of traceability labels. In this article, we will focus on understanding the specific content of traceability labels.

                I Role of traceability label:

                Compliance with traceability label requirements will help to improve the effectiveness and response rate of future recalls.

                It also helps CPSC staff and companies in the business chain. When a component is identified as the source of a hazard or violation, the traceability label helps to identify other products that may contain the same component.

                II Traceability label information requires that all children's goods must have legible permanent signs (also known as "traceability label", "tracking label" and "traceability label"). These signs are pasted on the goods and commodity packaging, and the font is legible, and some identification information must be provided. All traceability labels must contain some basic information, including:

                1. name of manufacturer or self owned brand;

                2. production place and date of the product;

                3. details of the manufacturing process, such as batch or run number, or other identifying characteristics;

                4. any other information that helps to determine the specific source of the product.
