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                What should we pay attention to when the express ship is shipped to FBA?

                2022-06-24 09:37:27 admin 6

                If the FBA express ship is transported to the United States, it is necessary to pay attention to the packaging, labels, product declaration, other costs and risk avoidance. Understand these points clearly, and you can avoid detours in future delivery.

                1. Stock up plan: with the recent outbreak of the national epidemic, when formulating the logistics plan, the seller should not only pay attention to the latest control policy and consider the timeliness of domestic logistics, but also formulate the stock up plan according to the timeliness of the shipping company, so as to ensure that they can catch up with the scheduled shipping date and formulate an emergency plan.

                2. Packing details: the box is clean and firm, not easy to be damaged. As far as possible, the actual weight of a single piece shall not exceed 22kg, the minimum length of the side shall not exceed 120cm, the second length of the side shall not exceed 75cm, and the perimeter shall not exceed 260cm (surcharges will be incurred if it exceeds the sea transportation);

                3. Label specification: in order to prevent Amazon from being worn out during transportation and unable to scan when entering the warehouse, the outer box shall be attached with at least 2 FBA labels (do not attach them to the sealing port. If they are printed with hot label paper, do not seal them with transparent tape again, so as to avoid the Amazon warehouse rejecting the label due to chemical volatilization. The contents of the label paper are not clear). The inner products and outer boxes shall be attached with madeinchina labels, otherwise they will be rejected;

                4. Product declaration: prepare the goods declaration invoice before shipment, truthfully declare and standardize the declaration;

                5. Special expenses: before shipment, the postal code can be provided to the freight forwarder to confirm whether it is remote or residential address, so as to avoid increasing remote expenses or residential expenses; It should be noted that high tax rate products require additional product surcharges, such as textiles / electrified magnetism / bags / Shoes / wigs; It is not allowed to carry prohibited goods such as imitations, tobacco, liquid, powder, food, fresh food, drugs, corrosive goods, flammable and explosive weapons;

                6. Risk guarantee: in case of a large number of goods in the same week, it is recommended to apply to the freight forwarder for multi container sub loading in advance. In addition, cross-border transportation must have risks, especially the transportation cycle is relatively long. Before cooperation, we should first talk about relevant compensation to avoid huge losses caused by problems. If necessary, the potential risks can be transferred through insurance to make everything controllable. General freight forwarders can provide procurement services.

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