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                How to reduce the cost of FBA first trip logistics in the United States?

                2022-06-23 16:49:59 admin 4

                Shenzhen Bluestar Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd., referred to as Bluestar for short, was established in Pengcheng Shenzhen in 2011. The company has accumulated more than 10 years of experience in the international logistics industry. Bluestar is a company specializing in the transportation service of American FBA warehouses and overseas Chinese warehouses, and is committed to building the most mature cross-border logistics system at home and abroad.

                It provides a variety of prices and channels for reference according to the needs of customers' goods, and provides you with cross-border e-commerce one-stop logistics planning solutions and personalized logistics informatization solutions. It can not only ensure the demand for safe and efficient cargo channels, but also enjoy affordable and considerate services.

                Since the founding of lansingbo, the company has established good cooperation with more than thousands of foreign trade enterprises at home and abroad. From the order, to the booking and arrangement of shipping space, to the warehousing and shipment, to the final customs clearance procedures and the appointment of delivery time, the whole process is linked with each other and delivered to Amazon warehouse efficiently. Integrity based, win-win cooperation, and become the leading brand of cross-border logistics! Lanboxing Xiaobian will show you how to reduce the cost of FBA head logistics in the United States?

                As a cross-border e-commerce for the first trip of the U.S. FBA, no one wants to reduce their own logistics costs for the first trip of the U.S. FBA. After all, this part of the expenses accounts for a large part of the expenses. A good choice of channels is fast and cost-effective. A bad choice may delay the launch of the product, or lead to a sharp drop in the product ranking! The choice of transportation mode of American FBA is very important because it relates to the first journey freight of American FBA.

                1、 Careful selection: first of all, the seller can take logistics into account when selecting products. For products of the same value, the logistics cost of small volume will be lower and the profit margin will be higher. Therefore, between large volume products and small volume products, the seller should give more consideration to small volume products.

                2、 Ingenious packaging design: the seller can design the packaging according to the volume of the container and the order quantity. For example, a carton is usually packed with 12 pieces, but if one container cannot hold them, it can be changed to a carton of 15 or 20 pieces. Then according to the size of the inner container, the size of the carton is designed, and a good packing scheme is developed to achieve an optimal state. The savings will be considerable.

                3、 Products are sold together:

                There are two common ways to do this. One is to sell multiple pieces of the same product at a preferential price, such as a 20% discount on three pieces; The other is complementary products, which can be recommended to customers to buy together, such as curling sticks + air cushion hair combs. The products are sold together, which can effectively reduce FBA costs. For example, a product is sold to five different customers for $20, and the seller needs to pay FBA freight for five times. However, if the five products are sold together under one order, the seller only needs to pay FBA freight once.

                4、 Select the appropriate first trip service provider:

                The key to choosing a logistics service provider is how to choose a transportation mode that is convenient for buyers and suitable for them. For sellers, they can choose according to the following principles:

                1. the price is moderate, because it is an important factor leading to the logistics cost, so the price needs to be controlled within the controllable range.

                2. it has good security and strong traceability, so that the buyer can know the delivery status at any time

                3. good timeliness and controllability. The goods should be delivered within the delivery time expected by the buyer (generally, the buyer's expectation increases with the increase of the price of the goods. If the buyer can buy the same goods locally, the buyer's expectation will also be higher)

                4. good service and high cost performance. The logistics mode with higher cost performance shall be selected on the premise of ensuring that the above principles are not violated. For more information about the FBA's first trip in the United States, please consult the Bluestar Consulting Manager to give you a detailed introduction!

